March 6 – Route 1, 2 & 4
- ROUTE 1: The 7:15am Trip 1 from Sarnia to Grand Bend is cancelled due to bus breakdown. A spare bus will be in place to operate Trip 2 and Trip 3, leaving Sarnia at 2:15 pm and 6:15 pm respectively.
- ROUTE 2: Due to bus breakdown, the remainder of Route 2’s Grand Bend to London morning trip is cancelled. A spare bus will be in place to operate the 5:15 pm later today.
- ROUTE 4: Both trips between Grand Bend and Strathroy via North Middlesex are cancelled today.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
Update to Stranded Passenger Policy
Effective immediately, we can no longer provide taxi shuttles for passengers travelling from their point-of-origin (starting point – i.e. Sarnia) when the bus is full. Taxis will still be used when:
- A bus breaks down, and there is no spare bus.
- A driver calls in sick, and there is no replacement driver.
- The LAST bus on a route is full, and as a result, there are stranded passengers.
Route 2 – Bus Stop #705 back in service
As of Monday, November 18, 2024, Huron Shores Area Transit will return to using London Transit stop #705 on the north side of Fanshawe Road East (the Rio-Can Plaza side) near the RBC Bank. We will no longer stop at London Transit stop #706. Fanshawe Road East road construction has ended.
Grand Bend – Bus stop #1900
Due to road resurfacing on Sauble River Road and Crescent Street, the bus stop opposite the Welcome Centre (#1900) will be temporarily moved to the parking lot of Grand Bend Public School. Road construction is expected to continue to mid-November.
The temporary location is accessible. Two parking spaces will provide room for the bus to lower the wheelchair lift.
St. Joseph bus stop moved to Blue Water Rest Home
Bus stop #3000 previously located at the intersection of Highway 21 and County Road 84 at St. Joseph has been permanently moved east along County Road 84 to the West Huron Care Centre complex where Blue Water Rest Home and Huron Early Childhood Learning Centre are located.
Route 4 – Trip 3 Permanently Cancelled
Effective October 1, 2024, Route 4, Trip 3 (8 pm) bus run between Grand Bend, Parkhill, Ailsa Craig and Strathroy is discontinued due to low ridership numbers.
Dashwood bus stops
Due to road construction, both bus stops are moving eastwards to align in front of the Community Living building. This will be their temporary location for the duration of the 2024 construction. We apologize for the inconvenience!
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- Texting: Text “HSAT” and the bus stop number to 8887433472 (888-RIDE-HSAT). Every bus stop has a bus stop number. Find out the number of your favourite stops on the Schedules page.
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- Phone: Call 1-888-465-0783 (9 am to 5 pm daily).